Cherry barb has bright, appealing colors and is a well-known kind from the barb fish family. Due to the schooling nature and beautiful colors, most aquarists like to have this fish in their water tank.
This fish is easy to care for, and this quality makes it perfect for both experts and beginners. If you want to add Cherry Barb to your tank, it only requires looking at your tank’s setup process and then giving it the time needed to set things up initially. It is imperative to understand the procedure if you are starting.
The tanks with lots of plants and hiding places are perfect for this fish as they want to hide them when threatened, especially during the breeding time to remain safe from the aggravation of male fish.
Cherry Barb Overview
Scientific Name | Puntius titteya |
Common Name | Cherry Barb, Crimson Carplet |
Origin | Srilanka |
Family | Cyprinidae |
Caretaking | Easy |
Body Size | 1-2 inches |
Feeding habit | Omnivore |
Movement Type | Non-aggressive |
Behavior | Peaceful |
Lifespan | 5 to 6 years |
Temperature Range | 23-27 C° |
Minimum Tank Size | 25 gallons |
pH Range | 6.0-7.0 |
Water type | 4-10 dGH |
Breeding | Moderate |
Compatibility | Peaceful fish |
History of Cherry Barb

Cherry barbs belong to the Cyprinidae family. Its scientific name is Puntius tityra; carps and minnows are also from this family; the Celestial Pearl Danio belongs to this group. It is native to Siri Lanka, but it is the most prominent fish family globally and has many species up to 2000.
The family is undoubtedly thriving, but these fish are at enormous risk in the wild. Due to the loss of natural habitat and stealing species of these fish are at significant risk. However, the aquarium trade saves this species because it is the most famous barb fish.
They need a peaceful atmosphere, and it will also directly affect their blooming or thriving nature. A friendly community has a significant impact on their flourishing ability. They can live five to six years in a compatible environment, and they also eat lots of food, and you can also feed them foods of various colors.
Typical Behavior
Cherry Barbs are peaceful, and due to their schooling behavior, they will add lots of color to the middle of your tank. The bright shades of barb fish look elegant and add beauty to your collection. However, it is a fact that fish in a group will be more confident in their behavior.
A group of fish is vital from the social and survival aspects. A group of fish can easily handle any attack while an individual fish cannot. So, it is essential to have the cherry barbs in a group, and in this way, you can prevent them from being shy and hiding them in different places in the tank.
However, if you want to add Cherry Barb male or female to your tank, consider the male and female fish ratio. The correct balance is crucial because male fish harass females during the breeding process. If one male fish remains after one female fish, it may cause stress and health complications.
The solution is to have the ratio of 1 male for two female fish. It will give female fish a break and add bright-colored males to your tank. If this ratio is incorrect, you may get a shy fish that will hide in the plants, and you can’t see it in your tank moving freely. If you want a confident fish, keep an eye on the exact ratio.
Cherry Barb Lifespan
If we talk about the lifespan of the average Cherry Barb fish, then it is in between five to seven years. No doubt it is a reasonable lifespan for this kind of fish, and it will give you a good time for care when it comes to water conditions, other tank fellows, and set up for their habitat.
However, few owners have reached the Cherry Barb lifespan of 8 years by providing excellent care to this species. If you want to increase the life of your beautiful fish, then have a close eye on the conditions and environment.
Catchy Appearance
There is no doubt the appearance of this fish will catch all of your attention, and you will feel eager to add this beauty to your aquarium. The name of this fish gives a proper introduction to its looks. A bright cherry red from head to tail provides it with a shiny look.

However, the male cherry barb is more colorful than the females. The male barbs contain a vibrant red while females are slightly paler, but both are appealing.
There is a dark line from the middle of their side from the mouth to the caudal fin. It is easy to spot the line and notice it on these fish. Due to the scale, this line looked like dots in their body and emerged in the colors beautifully.
The body shape of cherry barbs is very long and thin, and this shape makes them speedy and hydrodynamic.
The fins of this species look very stunning and perfect in size for this small barb. The dorsal fin starts from the body’s halfback and looks like a half shell. While swimming, they look like red torpedoes as their fins tuck back slightly.
The anal and pectoral fins are moderate in size, and forked caudal fins are symmetrical on the top and bottom. Their fins look translucent and female fins are more explicit than the males.
Cherry Barb Fish Size
A full grown Cherry Barb size reaches up to 2 inches in length. However, these fish can stop growing after reaching an inch in size. There are some genetic factors and levels of care that can affect the growth of cherry barbs.
Cherry Barb is the right choice if you want to have a tremendous beautiful addition to your tank. You can get it from any pet store from a trustworthy seller. You can also buy it from an online store or a local breeder.
Habitat and Tank Conditions
When we study the origin and the current presence of Cherry Babr, they are native to Sri Lanka, but you can also find them in Mexico and Colombia as they make their homes in these places. Cherry Barbs live in a large group with heavily shaded and calm water bodies.
However, this species is in danger due to climate conditions and stealing. But they are thriving in the aquarium trade in a large number. The rainy location is best for their blooming, and it means that they can adjust to the tropical climate with temperature changes.
You can find them in the rainforest streams and small pounds also. Moreover, they don’t need much light and live in dense areas like the root system takes over the banks of pounds and leaves that will cover the bed of sand at the bottom.
The water of the streams and pound become acidic due to shallow movement in this location. That’s why it is easy to maintain the water condition for this species.
Tank Conditions
It is essential to provide a home-like environment for a better lifespan. Make sure that your tank is well planted and give cherry barb lots of space, and the dense plants will provide them with a feeling of their natural habitat. The green background will give this fish a brighter look in your tank. Plants in your tank will provide beauty to your tank and provide them with hiding places.

If you add decoration to your tank, they will add beauty and make your aquarium look natural. You can add bogwood, logs, driftwood, and rocks for setting up, and these things will also provide your fishes with good hiding places. These decorations are also helpful in maintaining your water conditions and also very common for fish likings.
Cherry barbs like to live in the bottom of the tank, so keep in mind these places during decoration and place things around these areas.
In any aquarium decoration, plants play an essential role, so try to choose shady plants that can help keep the light low in the bottom areas. You can add Cryptocorynes for this purpose as it is a leafy plant and low the light of your tank. Java Ferns, anacharis, and Anubias are other options in this respect.
As Cherry Barbs like to live in a bit of acidic water, you can carpet your tank with Java Moss because this will keep water acidic.
Cherry Barb Water Parameters
A 25-gallon tank is good to have a small school of this fish. The Cherry Barb temperature for water is also critical, and make sure that your heater will maintain it between 71 to 82 F°. In this range, the temperature is acceptable, and try to remain the same.
They need meager light due to their shy nature, so keep the lighting low and keep the bottom of your tank dense with plants and other tank decorations.
A little bit of turbidity can refine from the under-gravel filter. But in our recommendation, the sponge filter and hang on the back filter are the best for these fish. The other important thing is to ensure that any filter you use in your tank will remain at its lowest speed because your filter intake can quickly sweep these little fish.
The Cherry Barb pH requirement remains from 6.5 to 7.5, and you can regulate it by using peat moss or bogwood. The hardness of water needs maintenance between 4 to 10 dGH. You can use dark-colored graves on the sand so that cherry barb feels like their natural habitat
Tank Size
The considerable tank size for them is 25 to 30 gallons because the female fish want more space for hiding during breeding.
The extra space will provide them with many hiding places, and they can also easily swim around. They can easily flourish on larger tanks and give them a relaxed feeling without any fear from other communities.
You can keep one Cherry Barb per gallon. It is crucial for their health and helps them find enough space for hiding. So, a 30-gallon tank is enough for their room and hiding.
Cherry Barb Tank Mates

Cherry barb is not only a beautiful fish but also tends toward peaceful behavior. They can easily adjust to friendly communities. Cherry Barb will prove a perfect match with Glass Catfish, Celestial Pearl Danios, and tetras. Their friendly nature is also ideal for shrimp and other invertebrates. However, you can add ghost shrimp, mystery snails, and cherry shrimps without hesitation.
The ideal tank mates for Cherry Barb are:
- Gouramis
- Clown loaches
- Neon or cardinal tetra
- White cloud mountain minnow
- Mollies
- Rainbow shark
- Otocinclus catfish
- Platies
- Harlequin rasbora
The cherry barb will prove a great addition to your collection due to its beauty and peaceful nature. They can adjust to other communities. However, if you see your fish hiding in plants in a few starting days, there is no need to worry about it. It is pretty natural for this shy fish. Give them some time to understand the surroundings and make contact with other mates.
Before adding any fish to your tank, think about the temperament of your collection. If you have aggressive fish in your group, it will harass tamer fish and cause them to hide in different places. As a result, you will not see the beauty of other fish and lead fish to a stressful environment.
For example, the Tiger Bard is an aggressive fish. Although a species, it will harass and is also known for attacking other fish’ fins. So, they can cause a problem for other peaceful communities. So, keep in mind while deciding on fish collection.
There are a few things for consideration and keep the fish happy. Keep the fish in a group. This thing will make them comfortable and confident. These fish are very social and want to live in a group for their survival and make them active in the water.
However, they mostly hide in the plants if you have a few of them. A large group of fish will make them confident, and you will also be able to see beautiful colors in your tank. The correct ratio is also essential so that males will not harass females while spawning.
Cherry Barb Food & Diet
Cherry barbs are omnivores, and they can eat anything. They are fine; that’s why their site is very flexible in the wild.
However, they don’t like to eat plant pieces present in the water. But their favorite food is a mix of plankton, algae, and tiny insect. Most of their food consists of this food. However, they can survive on other food and creatures too.
You can feed them a specific diet in the aquarium. At the same time, some owners like to give them high-quality flakes and other food, which will add a nutritional intake for their health.
Food with high proteins like brine shrimp and bloodworms are the best choice for their food. It will not only fulfill food needs but also provide your Barb enrichments.
These fish can eat anything but be careful about their feeding. Because too much eating may cause health problems, set a time for their feeding. While feeding them, avoid giving them extra food and if cherry barb normally leaves the food in the tank, provide them less next time.
Cherry Barbs Care
Cherry barbs are the best fish for beginners as they a hardy fish and can survive in a few hard conditions. They will remain to save from diseases if you provide them with better water conditions and a stable environment.

Due to their hardy nature, Cherry Barb can face health problems like other fish. However, if the water parameters are not stable and there is a problem with water quality, this fish also gets the common disease just like the other fish.
Fin root is a common disease spread by bacteria due to dirty water. The fins of an infected fish look torn and almost rotting away with time. Medicines can cure this disease, but you can also control it by keeping your tank clean and regular water changes.
The other common disease is Ich. If a fish is infected, you will see small white spots on its body. Moreover, you will also notice that fish rub their body against the surface for relief. This disease occurs when your fish’s immune system does not work well or the fish is stressed.
You can control this disease by increasing the temperature of your tank by 1 to 2 degrees for 48 hours. If the problem is not resolved, then medication is also available. However, if you want to save your fish from any disease, keeping the tank clean and maintaining the water parameter can help.
Cherry Barb Breeding
Cherry Barb is egg scattering fish similar to most fish of their family. But they are not very concerned about their young ones and give them little or no parental care. The temperament of males and bright colors consider signs of good span. The more brilliant red color gives more possibilities to red Cherry Barb to get ready for spawn.
The breeding process is easy, and they spawn more often. A pregnant Cherry Barb can lay 200 to 300 eggs and spread them on the surface and plants.
Plants are essential for them to lay eggs. A spawning mop is also helpful to host the eggs and let them stay. You can find good quality spawning mop online, which has soft threads to facilitate the egg-laying process of Cherry Barb.
When eggs are laid, it is essential to keep them in a separate tank to remain safe and not be eaten by others. For this purpose, use a small tank with low water movement, increase the temperature, and mimic the natural habitat.
After a few days, you will see that this fry will hatch and swim around in the tank after a few days. Feed them with foods like vinegar eels or micro worms to gulp them until they can eat ample food like brine shrimp.
In two months, they will grow up and become adults in size. When they become adults, you can add them to the tank. The other important thing you will see is the behavior of males that will change during this time, and they will become more aggressive while females become less energetic after laying eggs.
At this stage, you will need a separate tank for females to get strength again and remain safe from aggressive males.
Cherry Barb Price
Cherry Barb’s availability is not a big issue as they are available on sale at local and online stores. A pair of Cherry Barb for sale can cost anywhere between $5 to $8, depending on your location and store.
In our recommendation, the cherry barb is a good fish for adding beauty to your collection. The aquarists like to have them constantly in their tank and give great feedback. Easy care, peaceful behavior, and beautiful bright colors appeal to enthusiasts.
It is a recommendation for beginners and experts. Reread this guide and make the right decision for you. Due to this, fish owners will be 100% confident about their decision.
This fish will not bore you, and even you will enjoy watching them swimming around your tank. They look like little red bullets in your tank and give your eyes a beautiful view.
If you want to get more information about this fish, keep connected with us. We will get more information from owners and update this guide with time.
Cherry Barbs like to have some space for their hiding and living peacefully. You can keep one Cherry Barb per gallon to let them provide enough space. It is important for their health and if you want to keep 6 Cherry Barb, settling for a 30-gallon tank is perfect.
For beginner aquarists looking for schooling fish, there are several options on the market now, and one very nice option is the Cherry Barb. These slender fish are common in this hobby so finding them is not challenging.
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