There are such countless types of betta fish that it’s staggering for beginner fish attendants. You can easily take care of betta fish varieties if you know the required information about their care. If you’re attempting to figure out the distinctions between types of betta fish, it assists with having a groundwork.
Europeans have been reproducing bettas for their splendid, unpredictable shadings and tail designs for above and beyond 100 years. Whenever you include a portion of the fresher crosses emerging from Thailand, your choices for the prettiest betta fish become somewhat bewildering. Here’s definite information on bettas, separated by shading, scale example, and tail type to keep away from disarray!
Table of Content
- Tail Types
- Rare types of betta fish Tails
- Types of betta fish colors
- Tankmates of betta fish
- Breeding of betta fish
- The lifespan of betta fish
- Size of betta fish
- Size of betta fish tank
- Types of betta fish food
- Diseases of betta fish
- Conclusion
- FAQ’s
Types of Betta Fish Tails

The tail is one of the most engaging qualities of all the different betta varieties. From short and spiky to enormous and lofty, you will observe various tail varieties brimming with striking tones.
Crown Tail Betta

The crown tail betta is one of the most well-known freshwater types of betta fish. This species is moderately youthful, first reared by Ahmad Yusuf in Indonesia around 25 years prior. The balances of this species have a long spikey crown appearance.
Nonetheless, if the webbing arrives at more than 2/3 up the tail, it is delegated an alternate kind – the Comb tail Betta. While the types of betta fish male show hitting tones with long balances and tails, females look very changed.
Crown Tail Plakat

Additionally, in some cases known as a fringe tail, the crown tail plakat owes its name to the blade beams that provide the bottom with the presence of a crown. Full crown tails have longer blades and seats. However, this plakat assortment has the commonplace crown-formed tail with more limited balances than the ordinary plakat. Usually, the female has lighter tones with a more limited seat with a less significant generally speaking appearance.
Veil Tail Betta

It is one more exceptionally regular variety of the tail type which is broadly accessible. The male of this variety has a long, streaming downwards dipping tail. It comes in a wide range of shading varieties, and the general appearance is fantastic.
The female is again very unique. She doesn’t have any beautiful qualities just like a male, yet once in a while, she has splendid tones. Females will often have lighter hues and short blades and tails.
Plakat Betta

Despite most betta fish, plakat bettas have short and round tails. They are practically the particular case for the standard. Their balances are additionally very short when contrasted with different varieties. In any case, the male shows astonishing tones.
The name plakat gets from the Thai word “plakad,” necessary for battling fish. These fish were usually utilized and reared for fighting.
Traditional Plakat Yellow Dragon Female

It is a conventional plakat yellow dragon female, an assortment of Betta with more limited balances. As a result of its more limited proportions, this assortment is otherwise called a short-finned contender. Males of these types of betta fish are greater and thicker, with a gill facial hair growth that drops beneath the jaw. Females miss the mark on highlight and are more modest and more slender.
Traditional Plakat Red Dragon Female

This plakat Betta is a dazzling red tint. Numerous plakats are more dynamic than the long-finned variant of bettas because inordinate streaming balances don’t keep them down. This type is additionally very impervious to illness, making it a top choice among betta gatherers and pet people.
Halfmoon Betta

The name Halfmoon Betta is self-explanatory. The tail is vast, making a large portion of a circle like the state of a half-moon. You won’t think that they are in nature.
Halfmoon Bettas get generally reproduced among specialists to display during Betta shows. First produced during the 1980s, the Halfmoon Betta didn’t take long to arrive in Europe and afterward became universally renowned.
Half-Moon Plakat Turquoise Female

The half-moon plakat female betta fish highlights the more narrow blades run of the mill of the plakat assortment yet has a tail formed like a half-moon. It creates a fish that can, in any case, zip around in the water even though it has a to some degree streaming, luxurious tail.
Half Moon Red Dragon Female

Peter Goettner, an American raiser, created the half-moon bettas. This assortment isn’t as forceful as the plakat and is more challenging to raise.
Half-moon guys get reproduced for full tails with a wide range and streaming shape. The female shows a safer bottom with the trademark half-moon shape.
Retail Betta
The Retail Betta is a half-moon variety where the caudal balance’s complete spread is more prominent than 180°. The element of this variety is that the tail beams are especially branchy.
This fanning gives a striking look to the fish and makes the caudal balance resemble a rose. If the tail turns out to be especially branchy with an exceptionally unsettled appearance, you can view it as a Feathertail.
Double Tail Betta

The Double Tail types of betta fish are effectively unmistakable as it has two particular tails isolated from the base. Typically, this variety has a more extensive and longer dorsal blade with a body. You can find this quality in any Betta of any tail shape and size.
It frequently implies that solitary tail Bettas show twofold tail qualities, such as dorsal blades with a more powerful beam than typical, giving them a more elegant appearance.
Delta Tail Betta

The Delta Tail Betta has a somewhat huge tail. It is named after the Greek letter D as the tail looks like the state of the letter delta (∆). The bottom begins to limit the body, and it extends toward the edges looking like the three-sided state of the Greek letter.
There is additionally one more realized variety called the Super Delta. This variety nearly arrives at 180 degrees flare. The spread of an ordinary delta tail is usually a lot more modest. The tail edges are uniform, with no brushing or crowing.
Elephant Ear Betta

It is an exceptional fish that doesn’t squeeze into the tailor shading classification. All things being equal, its extraordinary element is its pectoral balances.
Elephant Ear Bettas, or all the more usually Dumbo Bettas, have a seriously exceptional shape. Ordinarily, with splendid striking hues, the blades of this variety are very interesting. The name is given by the two pectoral blades looking like the ears of an elephant.
Rare Types of Betta Fish Tails

There are also some rare types of betta fish which are the following:
- Comb tail Bettas are like Crown tails. The thing that matters is the length of the webbing and the beams. Comb tails have webbing, which arrives at more than 2/3 of the way up the bottom.
- Round tail Bettas are the same as Deltas, with the distinction being the state of the tail edges. Rounded tails have completely adjusted tail edges.
- Spade tails take their name from the spade of a deck of cards as the tail’s state impeccably looks like this round and sharp shape.
- The Over Half-moon is an outrageous form of a Half Moon. The spread of the tail comes to over 180° around the body.
- The Half-Sun was made by specifically rearing Half Moons and Crown tails. Likewise, the tail and blades have a marginally delegated among beams and webbing, Coming to over 180° around the body.
Types of Betta Fish Color

Some types of betta fish could have a uniform tone though others blend bunches of various techniques. They can be most shades of the rainbow. A few will be dark, white, electric blue, clear skin, copper, green, and that’s just the beginning.
- Blue Betta Fish
You could believe that picking a blue betta fish is genuinely awesome. There are various shades of blue around. The most well-known shadings are Steel Blue (practically grayish, which gives the fish a cool tinge) and the Royal Blue Betta, a dynamic and captivating hue showing a luminous radiant blue.
- Black Orchid Betta
The dark orchid betta fish variety has a dim in general shading. Periodically you could notice purple or blue features along its body. An intriguing reality about the opaque type is that you can isolate this gathering into three unique sorts, Melano, Black Lace, and Metallic. The Black Metallic has brilliant scales, practically like the shade of copper and clear.
- Red Betta Fish
Red is the predominant shading with Betta Fish. Typically showing up as a striking and full-bodied red tone, at times, these types of betta fish can seem washed off as well. It would be best to watch their eating regimen, and water condition on this event as your fish probably won’t feel quiet.
- Rose Petal Betta
The Rose Petal Betta Fish may be the weirdest sort as there is no method for characterizing them. They come in the most shading varieties, by and large, electric light blue with some shading varieties (for the most part dim blue, copper) and have a hazier face. They are one of the most extraordinary Betta Fish.
- White Betta Fish
The White Betta Fish could seem plain when contrasted with other shading varieties. These types of betta fish are white. Anyway, even though the shading can seem a piece dull, assuming you pick the right tail type, they are very lofty. You can join tinge and tail type to track down awesome for you. Long streaming diving tails are glorious even though they are white.
- Purple Betta Fish
Genuine purple Betta Fish are very hard to track down. You will frequently find them in rich violets or purple-pale blue with other shading varieties like copper and dark. Usually, it expects to track down them with purple bodies and the balances or the face another shading.
- Green Betta Fish
Whole green Betta Fish are very uncommon. Most ordinarily, they show up as turquoise. Frequently, the green gets veiled under a more obscure shading, and a brilliant green tone can show up on the off chance that you focus light against it.
Radiant green and dull green varieties, which are apparent with the unaided eye, genuinely do exist however are incredibly intriguing and regularly thought to be exceptionally valuable.
- Mustard Gas Betta
Mustard Gas Betta Fish are very striking. They are a bi-hued variety showing various hues among body and balances. The body is dim, typically changing from one or the other to blue or green. The blades are generally yellow or orange, consequently their name. This variety is Chocolate, as the balance’s shade is very comparative. Nonetheless, the chocolate variety has an earthy-colored body.
Tankmates of Betta Fish

Consider these fish and other amphibian creatures to put with bettas:
- Cory catfish
- Neon and ash tetras
- Ghost shrimp
- African frogs
- Guppies
- Kuhli loaches
Breeding of Betta Fish
Betta fish, or Siamese battling fish, make lovely, colorful pets. Follow these straightforward advances, and you’ll before long have a school of minuscule Betta fish.
- Pour 6 inches (15.2 centimeters) of water into a 5-gallon (19-liter) aquarium.
- Slice a plastic froth cup down the middle and spot the outer side face up toward the side of the tank. It will be the home for the fry (child fish).
- Place live plants all through the aquarium. It is where the female will stow away, assuming the male fish are tormenting her.
- The water temperature is a steady 82 degrees F (27.8 degrees C).
- Place the male fish in the tank with the plants.
- Place the female fish in a more modest tank. It’s not essential to place plants in the more modest tank.
- Condition the fish for rearing for around seven days by taking care of them to live food and changing their water consistently. The better the fish are, the more influential the rearing will be.
- Place the two tanks close to each other, so the fish can see one another and get ready for rearing. You’ll realize the female is prepared to reproduce when her stomach expands to the size of a marble, and she has vertical stripes on her body.
- Place the female fish in the tank with the male fish.
- Notice the fish. Assuming the male is excessively forceful, eliminate the female fish and stand by a couple of days before attempting once more. It’s typical for the male to pursue the female around the tank, nipping at her balances.
- The fish will mate by embracing under the home. The female fish will look incapacitated as the eggs of the betta fish get ejected. When the fish has finished embracing, and the female fish has swum to stow away, remove her from the tank.
- Allow the male fish to watch on the fry for 24hours to a day and a half. When the fry can swim, eliminate the male fish from the tank.
The lifespan of Betta Fish
They live in standing waters in the wild, regularly in rice paddies, floodplains, or waterways. In the wild, these types of betta fish are less regional because of the enormous space – they will fight, not battle until the very end. Their typical life expectancy is 2-5 years.
Size of Betta Fish
In the wild, they are less regional because of the enormous space – they will fight, not battle until the very end. Betta fish develop to be no longer than 3 inches usually. They have splendidly shaded blades and different tail types.
Size of Betta Fish Tank
Betta fish gets introduced in pet stores in the tiny, container-like containers that permit the underlying foundations of plants to stretch out into the water. It is a result of their aggressive, regional nature. Keeping betta fish isolated is the ideal way to keep them sound for the time being.
In any case, a little holder isn’t to the point of permitting your betta fish to flourish. Indeed, betta fish expect no less than two cubic feet of room in a tank to be solid—the greater the tank, the better. Keep your betta fish’s water clean yet not sterile.
The different types of betta fish need great micro-organisms to fill in the water to assist with keeping up with their wellbeing. Live plants likewise add to excellent water quality. When you change the water in the tank, do 10%-15% at once to present new water without stunning your pet’s framework with an emotional change.
Types of Betta Fish Food
While other pet fish are content to have drops of fish food, this will not accomplish for betta fish. In the wild, they chase bugs to eat. Vets additionally suggest you supplement their eating routine with deals with like:
- Freeze-dried tubifex worms
- Mosquito hatchlings
- Bloodworms
- Brackish water shrimp
Diseases of Betta Fish
Even though there are numerous betta fish ailments, the accompanying circumstances are the ones a pet person will, in all probability at any point, need to manage.
- Fin Rot
It is a betta bacterial disease of the blades that destroy them. From the outset, a fish’s edges or mouth might look harmed. It might have been the main issue that prompted contamination. Then again, blades, mugs, and tails corrupt and decay away with time. On the off chance that parasitic contamination isn’t noticeable, the fish is in all probability experiencing balance decay.
- Constipation
Clogging is the consequence of overloading your Betta. Clogging indicates an absence of craving, enlarged midsection, and a shortfall of defecation in the lower part of the tank.
Treatment frequently includes fasting all the types of betta fish for a little while. Another cure is to take care of the fish, a solitary frozen pea with the skin eliminated. The fiber helps move the blockage. Eliminate any uneaten parts of the pea following 20 minutes.
- Ich
Ich is a betta fish parasite disease, and these organic entities are often present and hanging tight for a possible chance to hook onto a host. An ectoparasite parasite that lives outside the body that encysts itself inside the white patches on the fish’s skin and scales. If treatment doesn’t get done, it influences the body and, in practically all cases, kills the host over the long haul.
- Velvet
It is another parasitic disease. Velvet is one of the most persistent sicknesses in aquarium fish, and it can kill each of the occupants before the clueless proprietor acknowledges what they are facing. Oödinium is a dinoflagellate, an animal with chlorophyll classed as a protozoan by some and green growth by others.
The betta fish is local to Thailand, Malaysia, and Cambodia. Keeping in mind that most types of betta fish sold in pet stores today remotely connect with Southeast Asia’s locals, they share a few highlights.
These distinctions got overstated through reproducing throughout the long term, with male bettas progressively reared for splendid hue and long, streaming blades and tails. It’s ordinary conduct of regional bettas and where the genders contrast so observably. His shading and show are essential for the mating custom.
One direct method for distinguishing a Betta fish is by the length of its tail. Short tails are normal in wild sort Bettas and Bettas that rear to battle. Short-finned Bettas, also called Plakats, are now and then reproduced to have D-molded tails.
Essentially betta fish are known for their beautiful showcases and hostility towards different individuals from their species. Male bettas are regularly more forceful, vivaciously protecting their area, food sources, and expected mates.
Stress is the most widely recognized explanation for aquarium proprietors seeing betta fish losing shading. Bettas are very temperature delicate and don’t react well to temperature change, a typical reason for pressure.
One of the most famous types of betta fish, veil tail bettas, are known for their long, terrific blades and brilliant tones. New specialists typically start with veil tails because of their friendly nature.
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I think this is a real great post.Thanks Again. Great.