Clownfish are amongst the most recognizable and popular saltwater fish in the hobby. Many people, however, are unclear that there are various types of clownfish. This guide covers the fundamentals of clownfish keeping and a few of the most renowned clownfish genus in the hobby.
While there are thousands of color variants among the dozen types of Clownfish species, these are among the most frequent species from each of the eight Clownfish Compounds.
Common Clownfish
Common Clownfish, often called False Percula, are among the most commonly observed fish in the saltwater aquarium trade. Females are more extensive than males, growing up to four inches in length, while males only reach approximately 3 inches.

The Common Clownfish, which may be found on shallow reefs in Eastern Asian and Pacific Oceans, has a characteristic wobbling swimming technique that has made them a pet favorite.
The common clownfish is the most acceptable option if you’re searching for a Clown for your aquarium. They are much more long-lasting and less expensive than Percula Clownfish. Common Clownfish are also available in more expansive colors and healthy, captive-bred youngsters.
The striping and eyes of Common Clownfish may be identified from those of Hercules. Compared to Percula Clownfish, the white stripes of Common Clownfish have narrow black edges. They also have brighter irises than True Percula Clownfish, more brilliant orange.
They are the sole representatives of the Percula Group and hence are closely related, despite not being found in the exact locations. If given the opportunity, Common or Percula Clownfish would even interbreed.
True Percula Clownfish
The Yellow or True Percula Clownfish is the tiniest and most sought-after Clownfish species. These Types of clownfish can only be found in nature in a restricted area near New Guinea or northeastern Australia. Their beautiful rowing pectoral fin movements give them a waddling look when swimming.
Even as adults, Percula Clownfish are among the most peaceful Clownfish species. Because they are so reasonably benign, maintaining a suitable anemone provides them with a haven when tormented by quasi tank mates.
Clownfish Breeds
Until Finding Nemo, the globe may not be as acquainted with clownfish. This could be the impression for some, and this species is nothing new for those who like fishing. For years, they were a salty aquarium favorite, providing color as a spice to various settings. The different clownfish breeds include:
Allard’s Clownfish
The Clarkii Complex includes these dark, interesting-looking beauties. Allard features rounder faces and a blunt-ended tail. Their skins are brown with brilliant orange flashes on the underside and fins. The two dramatic white lines run equally around the fish, dividing it into thirds.
Oman Clownfish
The Oman clownfish is a light-colored fish with a pale reddish-orange body and bright orange fins. These fish possess two prominent white stripes across the brow and center.
Oman is one of the giant clownfish species, measuring 6.1 inches on average. These species are omnivores that may be antagonistic to their tankmates. Keep a watch on how they interact with your other fish. They require a minimum 30-gallon aquarium to swim in.
Sebae Clownfish
The body of the Sebae clownfish is exceptionally dark, virtually black, with a brilliant yellow underside. There are two diagonal white stripes, one behind the head and one toward the backside. They have a yellow splotch on their cheeks.
The dwarf clownfish are more minor, reaching around six inches in length as adults. They are voracious and have a semi-aggressive attitude toward their tankmates.
Different Species of Clownfish
There are far more colors available beyond the classic black, orange, and white. We’ve compiled different species of clownfish. Which one will pique your interest and end up in the aquarium?
Three-Band Clownfish
The three-band clownfish lives true to its name, with three vertical white stripes running horizontally along its body. Their bodies are dark brown, with bald heads and fins. Their cheeks are wonderfully flushed, with no visible lines. In adulthood, these robust fish grow to be around five inches long. They are voracious and maybe a handful with tankmates at times.
Red Sea Clownfish
The red sea clownfish are among the most distinct of the clownfish family. They have small bodies and large eyes. They are also more defined, forming an almost jewel shape. They are tan, orange, and yellow, with a slight indentation on the rear fin.
Different Types of Clownfish
Clownfish come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some of them are discussed here:
Cinnamon Clownfish
Cinnamon Clownfish, sometimes called Fire Clownfish, is more significant. Like the rest of a Tomato Clown complex, they may grow to be up to 5 inches tall. Because of their scale and semi-aggressive attitude, they are an excellent option for fish-only shared tanks.
When Cinnamon Clownfish are young, they have a burnt orange hue. The flanks become progressively black as they age, with the orange accent on the face, abdomen, and tail.
Cinnamon Clownfish, like other damselfish, become highly territorial as they age. They frequently claim ownership of the whole tank when housed in a lightly aquascaped aquarium, creating complications for mild-mannered occupants.
Their hostility maybe moderated if provided live rock or a host urchin to guard. Cinnamon Clownfish are very hostile with other Clownfish and must not be maintained in bunches or with different varieties; a pair or single person is preferable.
Tomato Clownfish
Like its close relative to the Cinnamon Clownfish, Tomatoes are enormous, noisy Clownfish that you’ll want to check up on as they grow. They may be found from Japan to Indonesia in the Western Pacific.

These are among the most popular and affordable varieties of Clownfish in trade, and they make an excellent addition to a semi-aggressive communal tank. Tomato Clownfish, Triggerfish, Damselfish, Tangs, and Angelfish get along nicely with filled Tomato Clownfish.
Maroon Clownfish
Maroon Clownfish are the giant Clownfish species, with adult females ranging from seven inches in length. They can be found exclusively in the Western Pacific, from Indonesia to Northern Australia.
When grown, Maroon Clownfish are notoriously aggressive. Even in married pairings, the female might decide she’s in a foul mood and constantly pick at the tiny male until he dies. They are clever and friendly, often knowing their masters and visitors, who may be warned if they enter the aquarium!
Rarest Clownfish
From off coast of Australia, Lord Howe Island is home to the McCulloch Clownfish. Because of its limited native habitat, it is among the rarest clownfish in the aquarium community. It has a dark brown body with a whitetail or a white straight head bar.
Juveniles are browner and have three bands. They are the same size as the other Vegetable Complex species, but they are more aggressive.
Small Clownfish
The common clownfish would be a tiny clownfish that may grow 11 cm long (4.3 inches). It has a stocky build and an oval shape to its body. It has a circular shape and is compressed laterally. Its body color ranges from orange to reddish-brown, although it may even be black in certain regions, such as Australia’s Northern Territory.
It comprises three straight white stripes bordered by a narrow black line. The first passes immediately behind the eye, the second near the center of the body spreads forward to the centrally located head, and the third ring the caudal peduncle. A faint black line is also used to outline all of the fins.
Smallest Clownfish
The Orange clownfish, also known as True Percula Clownfish, is the smallest clownfish and among the most searched Clownfish species. Percula live in a very restricted area of the world, mainly near New Guinea and eastern Australia. Their pedaling pectoral fin movements are beautiful, and they swim with a waddling look.
Largest Clownfish
The Gold stripe maroon clownfish is the largest clownfish, reaching 6 inches in length. It has a maroon body and three large yellow body stripes. Another kind of Maroon Clownfish is the White Stripe Maroon Clownfish. This variety resembles the Gold Striped Maroon Clownfish, but it has three thin white lines instead.
The Maroon Clownfish is a member of the genus Premnas, distinct from other members of the genus Amphiprion. Premnas is Latin, meaning “spiny cheek,” and you can notice spines sprouting from either side of the face behind the eyes if you look carefully.
Types of Ocellaris Clownfish
The ocellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris), sometimes referred to as the false percula clownfish and common clownfish is a kind of marine fish of the Pomacentridae family, which also contains clownfishes and damselfishes.
There are different types of ocellaris clownfish. For example, Black Amphiprion ocellaris having white bands and found in Australia, Asia, and Japan.
There are also orange and crimson Amphiprion ocellaris with three identical white stripes on the body and head. The number of pectoral and anterior spines distinguishes Amphiprion ocellaris from other Amphiprion species. Amphiprion ocellaris may reach a length of 110 mm.
As so many different types of fish, females are more prominent than males. The life span of Amphiprion ocellaris differs depending on whether it lives on the ocean’s top or at the depths. When they first hatch, they live closer to the surface.
All Types of Clownfish
Clownfish, often known as anemonefish, are members of the Pomacentridae subfamily Amphiprioninae. All types of clownfish have been identified, one from the genus Premnas and the others in the category Amphiprion.
Clarkii Clownfish
Clarkii Clownfish are common in both aquarium commerce and nature. They are found in a broad spectrum of natural sources; color morphs mainly in Indian and Western Western Pacific, ranging from pure dark with white streaks to almost orange and white.
Clarkii is a more extensive form of clownfish; however, they aren’t as hostile as Maroons or some of the Tomato Family. They will allow most tankmates room, except the immediate region surrounding their anemone. However, aggression may be exacerbated if housed in smaller tanks.
Pink Skunk Clownfish
Pink Skunk Clownfish have a distinct pattern when compared to their relatives. Types of clownfish have a long vertical bar running down their face that doesn’t quite touch the white stripe running down their back. Their pale pink to peach coloration contrasts with the yellow to the black coloration of other Clownfish.
Skunk Intricate Clownfish are among the most anemone-dependent long tail clownfish. Even while feeding, Pink Skunk Clownfish would hardly wander more than very few inches near their host anemone. Pink Skunk Clownfish can only be found in seas from New Guinea to Northern Australia.
Saddleback Clownfish
Saddleback Clownfish get a different stripe arrangement, with the second band producing a saddle-shaped mark underneath the pectoral fins but not necessarily touching the belly. They are pretty standard and may be found from Southern Asia to Australia in the Western Pacific Ocean.

Unlike other Clownfish, Saddleback males and females are the exact sizes, reaching a decent 4 to 5 inches. The Saddle Cushion Anemone (Stichodactyla haddoni) is considerably favored over other Saddleback Clownfish species.
Types of Designer Clownfish
In the most basic sense, a designer clownfish does not resemble a typical clownfish. Designer clownfish would have more (or less) stripes, odd patterns, color changes, and even form and fin variants.
Types of designer clownfish include Misbar Clownfish, DaVinci Clownfish, Snowflake Clownfish, Orange Storm Clownfish, Longfin Clownfish, and Black Snowflake Clownfish.
Types of Maroon Clownfish
Because of the spines that protrude from its cheeks, the maroon clownfish is, however, called the “Spike-cheeked clownfish. They are one of the most massive and magnificent clownfish species ever known.
The body of the flourish is maroonish crimson with three tapering gold stripes. Despite having a similar form to the Ocellaris clownfish, types of maroon clownfish come in various colors, including purplish brown, scarlet or maroon, and dazzling orange.
These fishes may be violent and territorial, with smaller fishes chasing them around. These fish are typically kept alone to prevent aggressive tendencies, except for a married couple.
Nemo is Clownfish
Nemo, also known as Amphiprion ocellaris, is a clownfish of roughly 30 kinds. Their color pattern is distinguished by yellow, orange, brown, or black, with vertical white markings of light-reflecting cells known as iridophores. So nemo is clownfish.
Types of Clownfish Hybrid
A Maroonellaris clownfish is a mix between a maroon and an ocellaris clownfish. We don’t usually advocate hybridization in fish, and something about the given gene between a huge ol’ maroon clownfish and a slim orange common clownfish makes a genuinely unique looking fish.
In the wild, types of clownfish hybrid occur, with Amphiprion leucokranos or A. Thiele constituting recognized hybrid species.’ The rare cross combination of Premnas or Amphiprion is also seen in the wild, including this strange Tomatoroon clownfish.
Types of Percula Clownfish
The types of percula clownfish are recognizable by their bright orange hue and black-outlined white stripes. Clownfish are all born male. When they reach maturity, they usually form a pair with another clownfish, with the dominant individual becoming a female.
Both parents guard the eggs laid by the female until they hatch. Because of their symbiotic association with sea anemones, this fish genus is known as anemonefish. The types of clownfish chart protect themselves from the anemone’s stinging cells by developing a protective mucous layer. Clownfish also aid in the cleaning of anemones.
Most Peaceful Clownfish
Although protective of their host coral, Pink Skunk Clownfish are generally calm and most peaceful clownfish and make an excellent addition to a tranquil colony of tiny reef fish. The types of clownfish include giant anemones alongside Percula, Clarkii, and Skunk Clownfish.
Types of Orange Clownfish
An orange clownfish (Amphiprion percula), commonly known as the percula clownfish or clown anemonefish, is a well-known aquarium fish. It is often associated with sea anemones, as do other clownfishes (sometimes called anemonefishes).
These fish live in connection to sea anemones and utilize chemical signals released by the anemones to choose the proper host. There are about 1000 anemone species, but only ten are generally linked with clownfish.
The types of orange clownfish are closely related to the magnificent sea anemone (Heteractis Magnifica) or the enormous carpet anemone (Stichodactyla gigantea).
Anemones have stinging stalks (also called nematocytes and cnidocytes) that would typically injure other fish; however, the orange clownfish was coated in a coating of mucus that shields it off the anemones’ sting, which is why they can coexist with them.
Are Clownfish Difficult To Keep?
No clownfish are easy to maintain and have elemental diets linked to other saltwater aquariums. They’re also fascinating to learn about their distinct communication and biochemistry. Each fish will contribute a lot of individuality and gorgeous patterns and intriguing motions, such as their ‘amble’ when swimming.
What Color Are Clown Fish?
The question is what color are clown fish and the answer is, depending on the species, clownfish may come in a variety of colors, including yellow, red, orange, and black. The majority feature white details. They are tiny fish, with the smallest being about 7 – 8cm in length and the largest being about 17cm long.
What Is the Lifespan of a Clown Fish?
It has been shown that the lifespan of a clownfish is about 6 to 10 years. In the aquarium, the average lifespan is frequently a little younger, although this does not necessarily have anything with the fish’s potential longevity.
Do Clownfish Change Genders?
Interestingly, all clownfish are male when they are born. They have the power to change gender but can only do so to become the leading female in a group. The transformation is irrevocable.
Are Clownfish Aggressive?
One of the primary reasons your clownfish could be aggressive is that it was taken in the wild rather than being born and nurtured in captivity. A clownfish’s existence in the wild is fraught with danger. A rare clownfish species must spend every waking minute guaranteeing survival since anything more significant than it will devour it, especially in the natural coral reef.
As a result, wild-caught clownfish must be hostile and territorial. They are liable to be eaten or stolen from their houses if they do not protect themselves and their dwellings. It’s not a personal attack.
Everything boils down to survival. Clownfish may become aggressive if they are kept with the incorrect tank mates. If clownfish are housed alongside aggressive or territorial fish, they will fight. Furthermore, fish that pests clownfish or otherwise encroach on their territory are not suitable matches and may result in violence.
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