Not at all, The Koi will eat the Betta very quickly. Koi are strictly Coldwater pond fish and get over 2.5 feet long, some in excess of 4 feet. Bettas are tropical fish with entirely different needs and requirements, thus incompatible.
Quick Answer
One Koi can take up thousands of gallons of water, but if it’s a butterfly it tends to be smaller. Mosquitofish and koi tend to get along well because the koi tend to be more peaceful than the mosquitofish.
Furthermore, koi prefer pond bottoms because their prey rests on the surface of the water; while mosquitofish prefer the water, which is variable in temperature. Archerfish and betta fish require an extremely stable temperature, while mosquitofish prefer variable water.
Can Betta Fish Live with Koi?
Although the koi may not be getting enough nutrients from eating plants, they’re gaining many calories by growing fast. If the plants get lots of light and CO2, they are probably growing fast enough to provide koi with sufficient calories.
Kois can grow up to three feet in length, while goldfish can only grow up to one foot. If you have a choice, it’s definitely best to keep them apart.
You’ll learn not only the best ways to allow goldfish and koi to coexist peacefully but you’ll be included in the decision-making process as well.
Betta Fish Aggression Level
Aggression levels vary greatly, and there is no single formula for determining how aggressive a Betta is. But choosing a fish that is less aggressive will help him live peacefully with others in a community tank.
It is ideal for a Betta to not show aggressive signs such as flaring and acting wild during the checkout process. You need one that is trying to avoid the conflict but not actively displaying aggression. This is the kind of Betta that is more likely to thrive in a community tank.
One thing you should remember is that some types of Betta fish in general, usually get along well with other fish, it is never a guarantee.
Ideal Betta Fish Tank Mates
A good way to maximize your Betta’s chances of living peacefully with its tank mates is to choose trustworthy tankmates carefully. Be careful not to overcrowd the tank, because your Betta will feel like its home has been invaded.
When your aquarium is less than 5 gallons, you should only have a Betta and a snail, as long as the lid is tightly sealed. Snails can escape.
Bettas are not recommended for tanks that have a lot of hyperactive, hyperactive fish that constantly dart around. An aquarium with a 10-gallon capacity can comfortably house your Betta and three to four other fish.
Instead of brightly colored fish such as guppies, they prefer fish that are less colorful and calm. If you keep colorful fish with a Betta, they may see them as a danger or think they are another Betta in your aquarium and attack it.
A Betta can only be kept with brightly colored fish safely if it does not exhibit too much aggressive behavior. Pygmy Corydoras do not tend to be too bright, Ember Tetra, and Harlequin Rasboras would work well.
I have also found the Horned Nerite snail does well in my aggressive Betta tanks, as does the Small Nerite snail. Snails are also worthwhile as they are calm and do not nibble fins.
It doesn’t matter how small they are, my Bettas don’t perceive them as food. If you have a very placid Betta, you might also find platy swordtails work well. Much depends on the level of aggression in your fish.
Almost any fish will function just fine in a betta tank. Here are four rules you can use to make sure they’re compatible.
- The fish’s colors should not be similar to that of a competitor’s fish (guppies).
- Beware of fin nippers (the Tiger barb is the worst)
- The correct size for the tank (No common plecos in a 10 gallons tank because they grow to 2 ft in length).
- A freshwater fish that lives in the same water conditions as a betta (no brackish/saltwater fish).
Can Goldfish And Koi Live Together In A Tank?
The two species should not be kept in a tank permanently, but they can be temporarily kept in a tank together if the koi aren’t fully grown.
In fact, only commercial tanks can hold koi, and even then they shouldn’t be kept outside of the tanks. If you cannot get koi to grow in a tank then those that are over 6′′ in length should be moved to a pond.
However, goldfish are more versatile and may be able to live happily in tanks that are 30 gallons in size (added to 30 gallons per additional goldfish).
And when keeping small fish, you might as well make sure that the tank is bigger than 50 gallons if you’re holding them temporarily.
Before Selecting Koi Tank Mates, Consider the Factors
- To maintain harmonious relationships between koi and fishing fish, be sure to keep the fish at a respectful distance.
- You want the fish to be similar in size to Japanese koi.
- Generally, the temperature requirement for koi works the same way. The selected fish should thrive at least at the ambient temperature for koi.
- You need to make sure the fish you choose does not need more attention than a koi because you may not be able to meet their demands.
- The predatory fish species should not compete for food with the koi.
- Make sure you stock your ponds with koi that are as big as the large fish.
- Having a fish that feeds at the bottom is ideal.
- A koi should have similar characteristics to the species that will be chosen.
These tropical fish that can live peacefully with bettas include cories, danios, minnows, guppies, mollies, platies, rainbowfish, rasbora, swordtails, and tetras.
Keep them away from fish like angelfish, barbs, discus, goldfish, koi, and sharks. Keep them away from loach, but they’re often good friends. Same with gouramis. I hope this helped!
How To Set Up A Pond For Koi And Goldfish?
You will have to make sure you are setting up your koi and goldfish pond correctly if you are hoping to keep them together in a pond! Here’s everything you need to know!
Pond Size
It is crucial that you consider the size of the pond when establishing one. Koi need ponds at least 1000 gallons in size, with deep recesses 3-4 feet in depth. At this depth, the warmer water will allow them to survive till the following year.
There’s a reason for the pond to be so big. Koi are social fish, which means they need a lot of space to stay healthy. It is recommended that you keep a minimum of three together, although a few more is even better.
Koi prefer to swim horizontally rather than vertically, thus they need plenty of space to swim this way. Hence you should make the pond at least 6-8 feet across so they have ample room to swim.
Goldfish will require half the amount of water of koi, so if your pond is big enough for the koi then it will be big enough for the goldfish! (Each goldfish will need about 50 gallons.)
Water pH Level
It is important to observe the pH as well. If it’s too high or too low, it could adversely affect your fish’s skin and internal structures. The ideal pH for goldfish is around 7.2-7.5, but they can handle a pH range between 6.5-8.
It’s more important to perform water changes if you plan on adding your fish to a new pond than when they are already in an old pond.
Aquarium Plants
There may be difficulties in keeping goldfish and koi together if you fail to locate the right plants.
When adding plants to a pond, you should consider adding plants on the perimeter rather than all around. Goldfish tend to be okay with pretty much all plants, while kois tend to destroy them.
If you want something to grow in the middle then add some sturdy plants like water hyacinth, water lettuce, and water smartweed! You can use duckweed, but you will have to scoop it up every now and then, and you will need the water to stay clean.
Feeding Your Fish
It’s fairly easy to feed koi and goldfish since both are omnivores. You just have to ensure that you’re giving them enough food in the pond for them both to thrive.
You first need to think about food that contains high-quality flakes for both fish. I would recommend TetraPond Variety Blend Fish Food if you are unsure which fish food to purchase.
Furthermore, it is also important that you add live food to the pond every once in a while. Not only is this a great source of nutrients for them, but it is also going to give them a fun sense of hunting. Not to mention, it keeps their diet from growing boring.
But adding live food isn’t the only food that should be included. You can also try adding some blanched vegetables to the pond so that they get enough fiber. (They’ll receive some fiber by eating plants, too!)
Can Two Betta Fish Live in the Same Tank?
It is best not to have two male betta fish in the same tank. Betta’s are territorial fish and will attack one another and also battle for space. Furthermore, since there are warring males in the tank, it will place a lot of pressure on one fish.
It is possible to keep multiple female Betta fish in the same tank. Female bettas should live together in groups and aren’t always aggressive. Tanks with multiple female bettas should be researched prior to having them. Luckily, we have guides for this too!
The following suggestions are for Betta Aquarium members. Once you learn which fish can live with your betta fish, you will discover that having a betta fish with other fish is fun and will add a variety to your betta fish’s aquarium.
Can Neon Tetra Live with Betta Fish?
Tetras tend to prefer the middle of the tank rather than bettas, so the two species get along well. For the grouse fish, you need a tank larger than 10 gallons; however, you can have around 12 gallons.
Keeping a school of colorful Betta fish in your aquarium will not pose a problem once they become more established.
Betta fish with Bristle Plecos
Bristlenose Plecos are very shy and tend to be very withdrawn. There are other types of plecos that can live with the betta; However, some of them can become quite large. A larger Betta tank may be needed over time.
Having Plecos as a Betta companion is generally a good association, as Plecos tend to avoid Betta fish. You can often find them at the bottom of the tank and feed on algae from driftwood (which in turn will keep your tank cleaner longer).